10 Simple Green Living Tips
Happy Earth Day! Last year on Earth Day I posted tips from David Bach’s book, Go Green, Live Rich. I highlighted 8 of his 50 tips on how to make an impact on the environment as well as saving money. This year I wanted to share the changes I have made in the past year. They were all simple changes and now are part of my routine. I feel better and have been able to do my part in helping our earth!
1. Planted my first garden. This was by far my biggest accomplishment last summer. I didn’t get it started until June and really had no idea what I was doing, but I survived year 1 with some produce! I can still remember how excited I was when I walked outside to see my first harvest…3 perfect cherry tomatoes. My kids loved going out to see if there was anything new and picking and eating them when they were ready. I had cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. I’m planning on more variety this year, but could use advice!
2. Followed the Dirty Dozen. I’ve been trying to eat more organic foods in general, but stuck to this list as a guide for produce. This winter I struggled because of access with many fruits, so I tried to either buy frozen organic or just items on the clean 15 list.
3. Shopped at the Farmer’s Market. Between May-October I can get almost all of our produce and meat products in our home garden or the farmer’s market. This season I’m going to add eggs to the list. What are your favorite farmer’s market finds?
4. Used reusable bags at the grocery. I have finally gotten to the point that I almost always remember bring reusable bags to the grocery and I actually feel a little guilty if I don’t. This is one area that is becoming more common and is such an easy thing to do. I had a mix of free ones I’d accumulated over the years and finally decided to buy these cotton canvas totes for a little more support.
5. Bought reusable produce bags. This has been my favorite recent discovery! I have tried two different ones – mesh and organic cotton
and would recommend both!
6. Stuck collapsible reusable bags in my purse. I had gotten in the habit of bringing bags to the grocery, but would never remember anywhere else. I started keeping two small reusable bags that folded up in my purse. They were both gifts and so easy to take out of my purse for quick shopping stops.
7. Bought & made “green” gifts. A few Christmas gifts I gave this year were the reusable produce bags, bamboo kitchen tools
and a homemade sugar scrub.
8. Started Meatless Mondays. I started off well with eating entirely meat free on Mondays. I haven’t continued consistently, but have tried to eat less meat in general.
9. Re-joined Sam’s Club. Buying in bulk is one way to avoid an overload of packaging.
10. Found a new favorite glass water bottle. I think we can all agree that giving up plastic water bottles is an easy way to help the environment. This has been something I have done for years, but was excited to find a new glass water bottle by . This is also a gift I love to give. I’m considering trying the baby bottles – anyone used them??
(click the picture for more info!)
Are any of these part of your green lifestyle, too? Please share your tips, experiences or any other thoughts!!