Becoming a Less Stressed Parent
Sunday morning I woke up to breakfast in bed, Starbucks, flowers, homemade cards & gifts and my 4 favorite kiddos….a perfect start to Mother’s Day.
I knew it was going to be a good day because I remembered how last year I almost ruined Mother’s Day with my negativity. I made a promise then to not only live a more positive life, but to learn to shift my negative energy to positive during stressful or disappointing situations.
I also have a new appreciation for my kids since the baby was born 3 months ago. I know this is our last baby, so I cherish every moment I can with her. Even when she was a little colicky, I never stressed. I knew it wouldn’t last. I knew before I would realize, she too would be 8, like my oldest and would rather play with friends than hang out with me.
I have had parents with older children and especially grown children tell me to enjoy my kids now because “before you know it they will be in college”. My sister shared a wonderful experience she had with this situation. It involves her dinner being paid for anonymously while she and her husband were out to eat with their 3 young children. She also shares her thoughts about how parenthood is a blessing and a curse.
Last week a friend of mine, also with 3 kids, sent this article to a group of our mom friends. It shared the results of a survey that showed that moms with 3 children were the most stressed. And the best part for me was that mom’s with 4 or more children actually stressed less!!!
I am only 3 months in to being a mom of 4, although it is very busy, I am enjoying motherhood more now. In a way, I do feel less stressed.
I’m not sure if it’s because I have accepted the fact that everything is not going to get done and that is okay. Or because I do appreciate how fast it goes. I swear it was just yesterday when my oldest was born. There is no way he is 9 days away from being a third grader.
Or maybe it is because I have continued to follow the wellness tips I reflected on during my pregnancy, which I didn’t the first 3 times around. Or maybe because I have made self-care a priority, even if that means neglecting the laundry so I could write this post, or leaving the living room messy so I could go for a run and then get in the bath.
Maybe it’s because I finally realize that all that truly matters is that my kids are loved unconditionally. I don’t need to be a perfect mom. There is no such thing as perfection when it comes to parenthood anyway.
And no matter how many kids we have, all we can do is love them with all of our heart, try our best each day, forgive ourselves for those horrible days that we have, and never feel guilty for taking care of ourselves.
My sister is expected to delivery her 4th child today via repeat c-section. I’m sure life with twin 5 year olds, a 2 1/2 year old and a newborn is going to be crazy. But, I know her house will be full of so much love and hopefully life will even become a little less stressful for her too!