History of the Wellesley Wellness Retreat
The Wellesley Wellness Retreat first took shape soon after my move to Wellesley from Indiana with our four young children for my husband’s job as an assistant coach with the Boston Celtics. I sought to find like-minded women by forming a wellness group within Wellesley Mothers Forum.
When WMF invited a well-known author from out-of-state to speak about self-care as part of their lecture series, I was asked to consider arranging an additional workshop on the author’s behalf. I gave it some thought and decided if I was going to organize and promote an event, it would be better to feature the wellness experts I’d met in Wellesley.
I contacted Master Certified Life Coach and Yoga Instructor, Cory Halaby who is passionate about mindfulness and meditation, as well as Stacy Kennedy, MPH, RD, CSO, LDN who is, among her many roles, a senior clinical nutritionist for Dana Farber/Brigham and Women’s Hospital Cancer Care and Adjunct Faculty at Simmons College.
We hosted the first Wellesley Wellness Retreat at the Wellesley Community Center in 2016. In subsequent years we moved to Elm Bank and added speakers such as primary care physician and holistic wellness advocate, Janine Pardo MD, and Kelly Caiazzo, author of the blog I Am Running This.