Take Charge of Your Wellness While You Can
You have most likely been affected by the cancer, either personally or with someone you love, and can probably relate.
I was 10-years old when I was first impacted by cancer. My mom, at age 40, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Most of you know, she lost her battle in 2000 after the cancer metastasized in her lungs and then onto her brain. She was 52 and I was 22.
It was a brutal fight that spanned over 12-years.
As if receiving a cancer diagnosis at any point isn’t scary and devastating enough, she got the news a year after she should have.
She was a busy working mom running her own company with 3-young girls. My parents were always hosting and helping family and friends and keeping active with me and my sisters.
What started with a visit by my mom to her doctor to check a lump she felt, ended with a malpractice lawsuit, over a decade of mental, physical and spiritual battles and a recurrence of the cancer.
When my mom went back for her annual exam the next year, the doctor looked in her chart and his face turned white. Neither of them followed-up on the lump. It had grown to stage 3 cancer and spread to her lymph nodes.
I can 100% relate to trusting your doctor and assuming all is well, while going on with your day-to-day life. Foucsing on taking care of others, it’s easy to forgot about ourselves.
Don’t let this happen to you! TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR OWN WELLNESS!
As with any illness, medical bills and time-off work can be devastating financially. My. mom was never the same after her diagnosis and eventually she had to sell her company, which also impacted multiple employees who lost their jobs.
My dad is a lawyer, the doctor clearly made a huge mistake, so they filed a lawsuit. The doctor felt horrible and wanted to settle, but his lawyer would not settle. The lawyer happened to me the mother of one my classmates. I went to a tiny Catholic school, with 19-kids in my entire grade. It was a painful process, as you can imagine.
Although, my mom won the lawsuit, she eventually lost her battle, way too young.
I still miss her and am in another one of my re-examining her life’s meaning phases. The last time I wrote about her was about 5-years ago!
15-Years late: New Insights from My Mom’s Life and Death
I am grateful for the experience and enormous life lessons and values her life and death instilled on me. Of course, none of it was easy, I still miss her like crazy and would all give anything to have her back healthy and happy, but continue to learn as much as I can from her and the experiences of her life.
I learned that the painful experiences are what lead to growth, as long you don’t mask the pain in unhealthy ways! Which I also witnessed during much of my childhood, including 2 uncles taking their own lives.
I didn’t see it at first, but now know for sure that the wounds allow for self-growth, bringing us in touch with our inner self and a process of enlightenment that just cannot happen without pain.
Since my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer so young, my sisters and I have been flagged as high risk. We got tested for the BRCA gene and were all negative, which was a relief.
In reality only 5 to 10% of breast cancer is genetic. It’s even lower with other cancers. That means up-to 95% of all cancers are caused from lifestyle or environmental factors!
This is exactly why I’m passionate about eliminating as many toxins as possible in our lives. In our mind (goodbye negative self-talk), body (hello clean living) and in our overall environment (peace out negative people, low energy, and all the cancer-causing chemicals!) WE HAVE LOST TOO MANY PEOPLE TO CANCER!
There are so many factors that we do not have control over in our life, we need to focus on the ones we DO have control over, like self-care.
It seems overwhelming at times, but we just have to keep doing our part to make small choices that will hopefully lead to positive change.
Since love (for ourselves and others) and self-care are the core components in my wellness coaching business, I am asking you prioritize yourself and spread a little love!
Since clean-living is crucial to wellness, I’ve partnered with 2 companies, doTERRA ESSENTIAL OILS and Scout & Cellar Clean-Crafted Wines to offer clean, non-toxic products you can trust.
It can be completely overwhelming knowing where to start or which products to use if you are beginning to be conscious about the added chemicals and toxins in your life.
These companies are both amazing, not only for products you can trust, but their giving-back mentality and sourcing methods. They also can both be delivered right to your door. Convenience is key in trying to make time to prioritize the things you love and value in life!
Until October 31, 100% of proceeds from my doTERRA and Scout and Cellar sales will go to breast cancer research and prevention.
For RESEARCH: Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Until October 31, Scout and Cellar will donate 14% of the proceeds from the 14K Sparkling White Wine and 14K Cabernet Sauvignon to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. And, BCRF will match the donations AND I will be donating ALL of my profits to BCRF!
For PREVENTION: The Environmental Working Group.
The Environmental Working Group is educating and empowering consumers to make safer and more informed decisions about the products they buy and the companies they support.
In response to consumer pressure, companies are giving up potentially dangerous chemical ingredients in their products and improving their practices.
They are helping to create positive change!
Ready to do your part?
THANK YOU for prioritizing your self-care. THANK YOU for caring about others (these are great gifts and you are giving back while purchasing!) THANK YOU for your support. THANK YOU for being YOU! Love & Gratitude, |