What Loving Yourself Means…
Forgiving yourself for all the mistakes you have made, big and small
Saying NO once in a while.
Finding a way to achieve balance in your life.
Listening to your intuition.
Going to the spa and knowing it is good for your wellbeing!
Letting go of what you cannot change, especially other people.
Resting when you need to and not feeling guilty about it.
Forcing yourself to get up and move if you spend too much time on the couch or in bed.
Finding your happy places.
Not comparing yourself to others and remembering that material things do not equal happiness.
Treating yourself to a day of shopping, but not spending above your means.
Having the courage, confidence, strength and stamina to fight an addiction. And focusing on all of the positive things about yourself, even though all you can think about are the negative problems it has caused.
Meeting your friends for dinner, drinks, coffee, a walk, and knowing it is good for all of you.
Making sleep a priority.
Asking for help when you need it, even if it is painful to admit you can’t do it all.
Not feeling guilty if Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Blogs, Perez, etc. are your guilty pleasure. But, being smart and brave enough to cut social media out of your life if it is taking you away from where you want (or should) spend your time.
Signing up for that art, photography, wood-working, Pilates, boxing, continuing education, etc. class that you have been thinking about for months, but have come up with every excuse not to do it.
Not saying, “I hate myself!” when you make a mistake or don’t like where you are in your life. Replacing any negative self-talk with positive things about yourself.
Respecting yourself and your body.
Making time to exercise.
Feeling confident in the choices you have made and the paths you have chosen.
Surrounding yourself with positive people who lift you up.
Being brave enough to say goodbye to the people who are draining to your soul, even if it seems impossible.
Believing that you are perfect with all of your imperfections.
Knowing that no matter what has happened in the past, you can wake up each morning with a fresh start, a grateful heart and a positive attitude and create the life you have imagined!
Lots of Unconditional Love,